The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Optimization constants and OPTIONS - allow the planner
to change some controllable optimization constants and
defaults. These specifications are preserved for the
particular PLAN and its scenarios. When multiple PLANS
are kept on the same disk drive, they will all carry
their own unique optimization constants and OPTIONS.
They are as follows:
║ ║
║ Value to ignore in Reports: .0001 ║
║ Value of ZERO (tolerance): .00001 or D.P. ║
║ for double precision use D.P. ║
║ Value for 'time estimates': 0.075 ║
║ (use to estimate time-to-finish during optimization) ║
║ ║
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The above constants are used during the optimization
common to most revised simplex algorithm. It is used in
this version of BEST-PLAN. The timefactor is a scaling
number to approximate the time-to-finish from the
product between the ROWS * COLUMNS. This may be a
trial-and-error proposition based on the application.
║ ║
║ ..optimization OPTIONS: ║
║ Minimize or Maximize : "max:" ║
║ Objective Function : "profit" ║
║ Optimization METHOD : primal/dual ║
║ OPTMZ. report control : 28 ║
║ Iteration TRACE cnt. : 1 ║
║ TRACE message control : 0 ║
║ ║
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" max: profit" is the default name for the objective
function created by the system from the PRICE/COST data
statements in the INPUT file. This allows the planner
to change the name for a unique application. The MODEL
or plan may contain any number of objective functions.
The MINIMIZE and MAXIMIZE data statements allows the
planner to specify these objective functions. The
planner is nevertheless requested to specify which
objective function is to be performed prior to
Optimization METHOD may either be PRIMAL or DUAL as the
case maybe. You may also specify double precision arith-
metic during the optimization by entering D.P. as the
value for ZERO (tolerance).
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